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Oasis-DMS, Custom Design Enterprise Document Manamgement System, Integration Ready with LIMS


Oasis-DMS is an Enterprise Document Management (EDM) platform for creating, capturing, managing, delivering, and archiving documents and contents. Oasis-DMS also integrates seamlessly with OasisLIMS – Laboratory Information Management System. Ir empowers seamless collaboration, communication and sharing across and beyond the Enterprise. DMS (Documents Management System) collabrative functions cover full electronic document life cycle execution ...

Manufacturing procedures / STP / SOP /calibrations / Specifications / Safety documents etc. It simplifies the process of capturing and managing documents data with a comprehensive suite of editing tool.


DMS integrated into LIMS simplify the process simplify the process of capturing / editing and maintaining documents and contents with in a comprehensive suite.

Folders Management
Folders Creation, Sub-folders, nested, Efficient Organization of Documents, MS Like Native - files management system
Creation of Documents, User defined Header / footer parameters under standard templates, Built-in word processor capabilities, Document Categories.
Import Existing Documents, no need to re-create
Upload documents directly, Capturing files with comprehensive tools, Preserved formatting, AS_IS, Huge saving in time and efforts
Approvals and Authorization
Configurable Review, Approval levels, Incorporation of e-Signatures, Provision for marking and repeated revision, Document life-cycle – draft to final
Controlled Access
Storage in database, Access to documents controlled, Control on the basis of documents category, Configurable docs access to a user/or a group
Publishing and Distribution
Docs publishing in .PDF format, Circulation of docs controlled …, Documents Viewer, View Only, Master, control copies printing, Provision for barcodes printing
Approvals and Authorization
Configurable Review, Approval levels, Incorporation of e-Signatures, Provision for marking and repeated revision, Document life-cycle – draft to final
Version Controls on Revisions
Provision for version controls, Next Reviews, Change control reference / revision reason, Access to historical data / files
Integrated with LIMS, QMS Integrates seamlessly with other enterprise applications

Dashboards / Alerts - Reminders

Home screen management dashboards, Category / department wise consolidations, Automatic alerts on due/pending actions, Review due, pending approvals

OasisLIMS Integrated DMS - Document Management Module, Limited Edition


Document and data management module integrated with LIMS - Laboratory Information management Systems that simplifies the process of capturing documents and data with a comprehensive suite of tools a step towards managing STP/SOP information in electronic form i.e. paperless documentation. The volume of information a lab generates presents a challenge for lab management to organize properly with access control, QA department and scientists are required to correctly store and catalogue the STP’s / SOP’s and various other documents they create. The first key concept to describing a DMS in a laboratory environment is implementation of electronic document management for segregating published and non-published documents. Successful document management in a laboratory setting requires, at a minimum, proper procedures for the following events;

Version control / Change control / Document view / Distribution (published, un-published)

Document Management Link is a function within OasisLIMS activities for managing many different types of controlled documents such as SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures), standard testing procedures (STP’s), Safety documentation, Calibration Procedures, Specifications - MOA (method of analysis) etc. It is possible to link documents from such applications as ...

Microsoft Office (.doc/.docx) Text Files / ASCII Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)

Role of Oasis DMS - Document Management in a Laboratory Environment
Successful document management in a laboratory setting requires, at a minimum, proper procedures for the following events: Version control, Change control, Document review, Authorizations, Distribution Document Management Link can be a function within LIMS for managing many different types of controlled documents such as SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures), Safety documentation, Product specifications, etc. It is possible to link documents from such applications as Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, ASCII, Picture/scanned etc.

In present regulatory scenario specify electronic record management is not only storage of analyte results data in database but also a full archive of analysis related information such as chromatograms, spectra, raw data files and more… The mass of information a lab generates comes with a major challenge to lab management to oragnaize information with quick retrivals on the event of auditing and inspections.

Analyst are required to correctly store and catalogue the results and reports they create. In the past this information was paper printed, which resulted in huge storage and tracking issues. In addition, the opportunity to share vital data across enterprise with others user groups was not happening. Valuable information was not communicated, and had no means to disseminate the information was available with labs. Key function of Oasis LIMS - DMS module is storage and retrieval of Finished Products Specifications, Raw Materials Specifications, Standard Operating Procedures, Standard Testing Procedures, Calibration procedures with importing facility from industry standard formats (ASCII text, MS-Word) Provision for SOP ageing and versioning with tracking for revisions