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Auditing Management (AM)

In present scenario regulatory requirements are becoming more stringent, and the cost of compliance is growing. At the same time, audit management is becoming increasingly challenging, given the number and types of audits that need to be conducted.

Oasis Audit Management complements your established audit management process and empowers you to improve quality, reduce costs and identify operational and compliance risks by effectively managing the full audit lifecycle by, creating an audit plan, scheduling an audit, preparing an Audit, executing audit, track findings, performing Follow-up and closure. Oasis audit management software solution is flexible and highly configurable, making it very nimble and adaptive to various types of audits such as internal, external, regulatory, vendor etc.

Basic Workflow ...

Oasis audit management software system has powerful analytics and reporting capability for compiling audit reports, easy status tracking, analyses auditor performance and audit results. The interactive executive dashboards provide meaningful audit statistics to management to make informed decisions.