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Control, Reserve Samples Management

OasisLIMS control / reserve samples management module provides the facility to efficiently control storage and handling of reserve samples that includes pack types, quantity, relevant batch details and compartment/box storage location for tracking.

Under LIMS integration mode, the relavant data is carried for a specific lot registed in sample management module with receipt confimations. Additionl details, such as, storage in compartment/location, pack sizes, quanities and descruction date provided with the option for routine visual obervation requirement.

Provision for requistion for withdrawal of control/reserve sample for testing/visual observation, and issuance records.

Provision for regular checks and reviews of control samples at pre-defined interval and test parameters for compliance.

It generates various registers and reports on maintenance of control/ reserve samples, compartment, pack style masters, inward, withdrawal registers, Destruction Registers, visual inspection sheet, material bin card, due for inspection and destruction.